Wednesday, July 20, 2022

I'm a Gold Digger


I'm a Gold Digger 

I've been having one of those John Cusack moments like in High Fidelity where he thinks about all his failed relationships with women to try to understand why he's single. 

Looking back I see the pattern now.  I almost exclusively date women who have more money than I do.  And it's not to say that I'm poor, although I used to be.  I'm just simply attracted to women who wear the right makeup or the right clothes or have a cool car and let me drive it when I'm in between vehicles. 

It's true, like usually I go for women whose parents have more money than mine, or who have a higher income than I do or buy me lots of presents like my favorite brand of cigarettes or her entire bottle of Jameson in her cupboard.  It's the simple things in life that really get me off.  Seriously, I don't even care if I come but I'll keep fucking you if you drop me off some lunch like a sandwich from Oliver's or something.  Paying for convenience can't be overvalued. 

I had a crush on this cashier but I'm starting to really think that dating a woman in the medical field is the right way to go.  Not because I want to catch COVID from her (although that would be kind of hot) but because I want to crash in your condo you somehow afforded to buy when you were 27 and sleep in your bed but only when your child isn't around. 

I'm not the kind of guy you would bring home to your parents.  And in no way do I see this as a problem.  Truly I enjoy being single and if you're going to be so stuck up as tell me that smoking cigarettes, taking shots of vodka and playing my telecaster is a deal breaker for you then I will just Clarence Thomas this whole thing and be like, "I don't vote dude, good luck in the midterms." 

But seriously women are strong and independent and I like that. 

Anyway this chick, I mean woman, isn't texting me back and I was just like, "Man this dating thing isn't for me." 

Especially if you don't want to let me drive your car when I'm between vehicles or pick me up and drop me off at the bus stop.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Sonoma County Trap House - Welcome to the Underbelly of Wine Country Society Chapter 1


The Sonoma County Trap House - Welcome to the Underbelly of Wine Country Society
Chapter 1
I've slept in the gutters.  I've rested my weary ass on park benches surrounded by litter and bird shit.  Waited beneath bus stop shelter overhangs for the rain to stop.  Walked miles in the rain to get an opportunity to make money for some rich guy. I drank half pints of Ancient Age on the long bus rides home.  I’ve slept in drug dens with no insulation and woken up to my breath hanging in the air in front of me - the ghost of my youth and my health.
The only thing you can do in that situation is roll over on your futon mattress (now sunken down to only four inches off the ground), grab your bottle of Wild Turkey 81 and take a long gulp and feel the warmth of the whiskey as it stings your throat and finally settles in your stomach.  Then you roll over, wad your pillow into a lump, and wrapped up tight in your blanket, wait for the morning to come.  For the daylight to make the cold stop. For the sun to finally shine so you can live again.