Thursday, June 1, 2017

Don't Go To College

Don’t Go To College
                We were smoking pot in the bathroom, as was customary tradition in those days.  It was college – give me a fuckin’ break.  Everybody’s allowed to be a kid for a little while.
                Back in those days we had every type of smoking device necessary – bongs, pipes, vaporizers, rolling papers.  This was before dabs and all that bullshit.  No THC oil, I’m talking about smoking marijuana.  Back before they turned it into this whole “medicinal use” brand, believe it or not, smoking weed used to be fun.  I shit you not.
                We were high as kites and there may or may not have been alcohol involved but the circumstances were such that I was set up to fail.  I was high, we were all high, I probably had a beer or two and I needed to take a piss.  The thing about it is that to not get caught in the dorms we had to smoke in the bathroom so the R.A.’s wouldn’t smell it.  I didn’t want to inconvenience my friends so I just told them to move and started taking a piss in the toilet.  I thought the dudes would be decent and practice standard urinal etiquette.  I still sigh when I think back to how wrong I was.
                So immediately the short guy in the group starts examining my cock and asking me why it’s so small and all.  Of course I did what any person would do in a situation in which standard urinal etiquette was not being practiced.
                “Why are you looking, faggot?” I snarled.
                As I was facing the toilet, finishing my urination process, things began escalating pretty quickly behind me.  The little short guy apparently felt it was necessary for him to show everyone else his dick.  Again I pointed out how gay he was acting.  But apparently nobody seemed to understand that I was fulfilling a normal biological task we must all endure.  I was being nice.  I didn’t want to cramp their style.  They were smoking pot.  I needed to pee.  No big deal.
                But then the dicks started coming out.  And all the sudden, I’m trapped in this borderline homosexual scenario, trying to shake the last remaining drops of urine out of my foreskin so I can escape, when our Asian friend informs us all that he’s starting to feel left out.
                “Well, everybody’s showing each other their dicks, I mean, I just feel like I should-“
                I turned around and tried to take control of the situation.  I should have made for the door but something about the situation was pissing me off.  Apparently a man can’t take a piss in a public bathroom without a bunch of guys showing each other their flaccid cocks.  It’s horrific, it’s childish, it’s inconvenient.  I’m straight.  I don’t have the desire to see other dudes’ copulatory organs.  That’s why I like POV pornography and the JOI genre.  Or just straight up, chicks masturbating with dildos and vibrators, shit I’m into.
                I said, “Don’t you do it.”
                He had half a smile.  He was like a misbehaving dog with his ears back, half-submissive.
                “Don’t,” I warned him.
                He pulled it out and I saw it.
                Long story short – don’t go to college.

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