Tuesday, August 27, 2019

My Bloody Blister

My Bloody Blister

My bloody blister stares at me
My bloody blister oozes with glee
My bloody blister begs to be eaten
My bloody blister begs to be beaten

my hanging callous flaps in the wind

my hanging phallus grazes your chin
my lovely Alice claims she's thin
you're a stupid fat bitch



Daddy says he just wanted to strawberry
strawberry with Mommy

didn't mean anything he said
says I make him feel dead

Daddy says he just wanted to strawberry

strawberry in Mom
can't do it while I'm here
says he just wants me gone

Strawberry in Mommy!
Strawberry in Mom!
Strawberry me gone!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Usually Wrong

Usually Wrong

Everything I say
        everything I write
it's usually wrong;
 - to most people
people with their mediocre, spoon-fed opinions and sensibilities
their mediocre expereinces
their angry resentment and jealousy
  it eats at me
     how truly lame the world is
the double-edged sword called loneliness
it's always there because they are
if I was average, normal, mediocre
I'd be better at lying to myself
in order to let the boxes package me up
and let the ignorant, well-meaning, overbearing mothers of the world dress me
let the priests put their tiny cocks in my ass again and again
let the kids who used to shoot me with their bb guns keep threatening me
let the boring people and their certainty in whatever the herd says
mold and shape and chisel me into their sculpture they had no part in creating
into their nothing